Here is the latest book I am reading along with (in)courage and a few close friends. This week started off with Chapter One, and what a great chapter it was. At first, I found it very hard to digest since I have lost two babies and having to relive the "Why God, Why me" again really hurt. I can relate to shutting out God and honesty believing there was no such thing as a God since he allowed this to happen to me.
But, reading what Ann had to say about her childhood and losing a baby sister and having the same feeling made me feel that I was human with those thoughts and feelings.
I now know, in my much more mature adult world that there IS a God and he loves each and everyone of us. It is how we choose to see Him that makes our belief in Him a richer one.
A few quotes from this book that hit me were,
Our fall was, has always been, and always will be that we aren't satisfied in God and what He gives. We hunger for something more, something better.
"How many times have you said "Only if, or I wish? Oh my, have I said that countless times. If only I had a bigger house. Now I have a bigger house and want a smaller house to keep the junk away. How can we blame God for what we want and not be happy with what he gives us?
" We are hungry, We eat. We are filled...and emptied. And still, we look at the fruit and only see emptiness. We don't see the material world for what it is meant to be: as the means of communication with God."This quote reminds me of being in church. We are hungry to hear God's word, We eat. We are filled. Then we forget. Plain and simple. We need to communicate with God always, everyday.
"If I am ruthlessly honest, I may have said yes to God, yes to Christianity, but really, I have lived the no. I have."I can so relate to that. I attend Church, my boys go to Sunday School and yet I find myself yelling at the boys or mumbling under my breath at someone who just cut me off in line or on the road. I hear the boys arguing amongst each other. Would God appreciate that for all He has given us? I think not. I try very hard these days that when the kids argue in the car, I just pull over and wait a few seconds and they get it. I am just not going to yell anymore. I want to please our God, not be a disappointment to Him.
How many of you can relate to the quotes from above? I can.
I can not wait to read the rest of the book and follow the videos on (in)courage every Sunday. If you do not have this book yet, you need to get a copy. You can order here at
(in)courage. I hope you decide to join us.
Enjoy your reading and Be Blessed!!