You have to be kidding. We're sick again or maybe we're just still sick. If I hear one more cough I'm going to scream!
I apparently, had Influenza type A & B. Lucky me. I told the Doctor on Friday 10 days ago, I was getting the "Flu" and she just blew me off like I was crazy. Well, the VERY next day I had it. But guess what? I had to be tested officially within 48 hours of getting sick to get the good meds. By the time I got into see the Doctor I was beyond the 48 hours for the Tamaflu. So, I got to ride it out. Not fun!
I have been through 4 rolls of Bounty paper towels. Kleenex just doesn't work for my nasal power. I have gone through 2 bottles of Nyquil & 2 bottles of Dayquil and I still have it. What gives, how do you get rid of this? Any suggestions?
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