I LOVE the Spirit of Christmas and I wish that more people would go back to remembering what Christmas is all about. Christmas is about the birth of Jesus. We have so forgotten about that with working long hours, rushing kids to an activity and rushing home to get homework done and dinner made. How many nights did you have "fast food" or a half "prepared meal?" How many nights were you gone shopping? How many hours did you spend away from your family? Look back and be honest. My kids are attending a Montessori school this year, so I was able to shop while they were at school.
This year my kids received THREE gifts from their Dad and I. We choose THREE because of what the THREE Wise Men gave as gifts to Jesus. My kids were thrilled with having only THREE gifts. We also read Christmas Stories that were real and learned all about the spirit of Christmas. My kids admitted they learned more this year then in years past. Did you tell the story of how and when Jesus was born to your family this year? Hopefully, next year you'll look back on this past Christmas and change things up a bit next year.
On another note, I do wish each and everyone of you a wonderful New Year. I hope that 2011 brings you much joy & happiness as well as good health. All of us have our challenges in life and if we put them before God, he will see us through them.
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